Traffic Guidelines

Traffic Guidelines for Dismissal Time

  • Hoffman Avenue and East 8th are for passenger loading and unloading. This means you may pull up to the curb on the school side to load or unload your children. HOWEVER, YOU MAY NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR or park for long periods of time.
  • The new bus lane being constructed on Madison Avenue is for buses and daycare vans. This should help the car traffic to move more quickly on Hoffman and East 8th. Stopping to load or unload children on Madison Avenue is illegal at all times. This is considered a major thoroughfare and loading and unloading is restricted.
  • If you plan to enter the building around dismissal time you will need to park in the parking lot or further away from Madison where parking is allowed.  I know that many of you like to greet your child at the door, but if your cars are parked out front you are preventing the traffic from flowing smoothly. We will bring your children out to you.
  • It is best to have your children meet you outside after school. The kindergarten teachers walk their children outside the west door facing East 8th and wait for parents on the blacktop area next to the building. Please contact me if you feel your child needs assistance getting outside the building and finding you.
  • Always pull up to the curb on the school side of the street to load and unload your children. We will not allow children to go out into the street or cross the street to load into a car.
  • We do our best to get people in and out of the loading spots quickly, but if one is not available you may need to circle around the block once..
  • You may not turn east on Hoffman Avenue in front of the school at drop off or dismissal time. It is only permissible to  travel east to west during these time periods as noted by the sign.
  • There are signs on Hoffman near the intersection with East 8th and on East 8th near the intersection with Madison that indicate you may not park beyond those signs as you will block visibility at the intersection.
  • Please be respectful of the Madison neighbors and do not park in, or block, their driveways.

School dismisses at 3:20. Please do not come before 3:15 unless you are parking in the lot. Preschool is dismissed at 3:35. Parents of preschoolers should not arrive before 3:32.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience which will help us keep our children safe.


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