Madison Students Found in the Bat Cave

Beginning with this school year, Madison Elementary has been able to serve more students through small intervention groups in math and reading. Three extra full time teaching positions were added to better meet the needs of all students. Grade level data teams meet weekly to gauge student growth and plan instruction according to each student’s needs. In small groups, teachers can more easily determine each student’s strengths and challenges and can adjust instruction daily. In literacy, groups work on comprehension and word work skills which align with the National Core Standards. In math, instruction aligns with the National Core Standards and focus on number sense and problem solving while giving the students opportunities to explain their thinking to teachers and peers.

Interventionists have various ways to motivate students to do their best work and Mrs. Robin Fulton has come up with a unique system. Her office has been renamed the Bat Cave where only Superhero students can come to work. Teachers throughout the school nominate students who have shown growth for a Superhero Student award. Students get their pictures taken in a Batgirl or Batman shirt that goes on the Superhero Hall of Fame with their award as well as a copy to take home. Madison Elementary is full of Superhero students!

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