Setting up Your Child For Success!

Welcome back to school!  We are all so excited to get back into the swing of learning!  There are a few things that are important to remember as we start school.  First, be sure to get back into a routine of getting to bed at a reasonable time so you get enough rest and are ready for each day.  Second, breakfast is an important part of starting the day.  Each student has an opportunity to have breakfast in their classroom at school.  Third, attendance is important!  School starts at 8:45am (doors open at 8:30am) and the day ends at 3:30pm (2:00pm on Wednesdays).  Being at school on time and staying throughout the whole day allows students to be involved in every learning opportunity.  Finally, schedules and routines are important.  The structure helps students know what to expect so they are prepared and can do their best.

We are looking forward to a terrific school year!

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