Leadership Experience for 5th Grade Students

Madison students enjoyed their first assembly in the new gym on Wednesday. Silk Road Ensemble members Shaw Pong Lui and Preeti Vasudevan performed songs and dances.

Shaw Pong Lui and Preeti Vasudevan expressed their joy in seeing and hearing about students’ diverse backgrounds and their experiences at Madison.

Select 5th grade students were able to gain leadership skills during this visit. Emmali Stevens, Aimar Merlos-Rojas, Omar Macias-Morales, Jayontrey Coakley, Blanca Molina-Juanico, Elle Frazier were selected to give the guests a tour of the school and emcee the assembly. They were great role models for the younger students. Our students truly represent what it means to cooperate, collaborate, and be leaders!

Photos provided by Phil Roeder, DMPS

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