Madison Elementary School Counseling Programming:

Throughout the school year, your child will participate in weekly whole group counseling lessons during CLASSSROOM COUNSELING.  During this time, students will read books and do activities that align with the DMPS core counseling curriculum.  The curriculum includes self-regulation/self-control, problem solving skills, relationships/ friendships (including bullying prevention), personal safety and wellbeing, academic responsibility, college/career and educational pathways, and transition to middle school for 5th grade students.

Specialized SMALL GROUPS are available to students based on teacher referrals as well as school data indicating a specific need.  Small groups generally work to reinforce social skills and working with peers, however, there are a variety of topics available for students in need of a small group.

INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING is also available for students as needed.  This is a confidential resource for you and your child to assist in a successful educational experience and address social/emotional needs.

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